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10 Australian Laws Every Traveller Should Know

As you gear up for your adventure in Australia, it’s not just the kangaroos, koalas, and creepy crawlies that you need to be acquainted with. Australia has some unique laws that might surprise you, but fear not - I’ve got you covered! This blog will serve as a guide to 10 Australian laws to know before setting foot on this sun-kissed continent.

10 Australian Laws to Know

1. No Worries, Mate – Just Keep Left

In Australia, we drive on the left side of the road, so make sure to keep to the left when walking too! This applies to escalators, paths, and even stairs. You’ll find this law outlined in the Australian Road Rules (2009), ensuring a smooth flow of foot traffic. Don't worry if you accidentally find yourself on the wrong side, Aussies are a friendly bunch and will give you a polite reminder with a smile. 

2. Don't Mess with the Wildlife

Australia is home to some of the most unique and fascinating wildlife in the world. But remember, it’s their turf, so treat them with respect. Under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974, it's illegal to interfere with or disturb native wildlife, including feeding or touching them. This law protects both the animals and visitors. So, don’t feed wild animals, don’t touch them, and definitely don’t try to take a selfie with a crocodile! 

3. BYOB – Bring Your Own Bags

Say goodbye to single-use plastic bags! Many Australian states have banned them, so make sure to bring your own reusable bags when shopping. Not only will you be saving the environment, but you'll also fit right in with us eco-conscious Aussies.

4. Sunscreen: Your New Best Mate

With its sunny climate, Australia is a sun lover's paradise. But that also means you need to protect yourself from those harsh UV rays. Slap on some sunscreen, wear a hat, and seek shade during the hottest part of the day. Your skin will thank you later!

5. No Smoking in Public Places

If you’re a smoker, be aware that Australia has strict laws about where you can light up. Smoking is prohibited in many public spaces, including restaurants, bars, public transport, and even some outdoor areas. The Tobacco and Other Smoking Products Act 1998 prohibits smoking in indoor areas of restaurants, bars, and workplaces, as well as within four meters of building entrances. Look out for designated smoking areas or better yet, use this opportunity to kick the habit!

6. Booze Rules

Australians love a good drink, but there are rules to follow. The legal drinking age is 18, and it's illegal to drink alcohol in public places in most areas. Each state in Australia has its own liquor licensing laws, but they typically have strict regulations on the sale and consumption of alcohol. This includes designated drinking hours and restrictions on drinking in public places, as outlined in various Liquor Acts across the country. This means pubs and bars have strict closing times, so don't expect to party all night like you're in Ibiza!

7. Don't Litter – Seriously

Australians take their pristine beaches and natural beauty seriously, so don't even think about littering. Littering is an offence under the Waste Reduction and Recycling Act 2011. Fines can be issued for littering in public places, including beaches, parks, and streets. Dispose of your rubbish properly in designated bins, and if you're camping or hiking, make sure to take all your rubbish with you. Leave only footprints, take only memories!

8. Respect Indigenous Culture

Australia has a rich Indigenous history and culture that dates back tens of thousands of years. Show respect by learning about the traditional custodians of the land you’re visiting and their customs. Many tourist sites have cultural protocols in place, so make sure to follow them.

9. No J-Walking

Forget everything you know about crossing the street. In Australia, jaywalking (crossing the street outside of designated crossings) is illegal and can result in a hefty fine. Jaywalking is prohibited under state traffic laws across Australia. Pedestrians must use designated crossings and follow traffic signals when crossing the road. So wait for the green man, even if the street looks empty – safety first!

10. Embrace the Lingo

Lastly, get ready to pick up some Aussie slang! From "G'day" (hello) to "Arvo" (afternoon) and "Barbie" (barbecue), Aussie lingo is as colourful as the wildlife. Don't be shy to give it a go – Australians love it when visitors embrace our unique way of speaking.

Get Ready to Travel Australia

So there you have it, mates! Armed with these 10 Australian laws, you're ready to explore the Land Down Under like a true Aussie. Remember to stay safe, respect the environment and culture, and most importantly, have a ripper of a time!


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